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  • Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, December 9, 2015

    Hello guys
    As we were all noticed that there was a new version of HitLeap Viewer for Linux


    In spite of that I have successfully found a new method to install it on Linux the easier and effortless way.
    The method is currently applying for Ubuntu

    Here are things we need:
    1. An Ubuntu VM, of course
    2. GUI installed, if you haven't got it on your VM, check the instruction of @Co0oL in this thread:http://thebot.net/threads/monetizing-linux-vps.332526/
    I'd like to put a quote here:
    For short, here is the all-in-one command we need:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install xorg xrdp lxde
    1. After you got all the things we need, connect to your VM GUI (using RDP if you installed using Co0oL's instruction using your VPS's ip and root account's credential)
    2. Open VM terminal and enter these code:
    sudo wget http://tuvietthao1.koding.io/HitLeap+Viewer.tar.xz && sudo tar xf HitLeap+Viewer.tar.xz &&  sh -c '"$(dirname "$*")"/app/HitLeap-Viewer' dummy %k
    Here are the explanations for the code:

    The first command is "sudo wget http://tuvietthao1.koding.io/HitLeap+Viewer.tar.xz" that grab the viewer archive file from my server tuvietthao1.koding.io.

    The second command is "sudo tar xf HitLeap+Viewer.tar.xz" is used to extract the archive.

    The third command is "sh -c '"$(dirname "$*")"/app/HitLeap-Viewer' dummy %k" is the command I extracted from the HitLeap-Viewer.desktop that will appear after you extract the archive file, I made it easy by pulled it out so you only need to execute that command instead of open the file with GUI.

    Because the main download link on HitLeap's website is dynamic download link that changes between each time you download it so I must have a clean copy of it downloaded to my server to make it static, with these code you're actually grabbing the file from my server, not from HitLeap. You could compare them to verify that there is no different between them.

    4. If all the steps done right, you'll see the HitLeap Viewer window pop up and ask for your credentials. Just login like normal and you're done
    Here is a demo screenshot:

    I'm gonna try to make a video for better experience
    Does this seems helpful? Well, give me a like, I'm very appreciated your love :love:

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